2801 Fruitville Rd. #180 Sarasota, FL 34237

(941) 924-9892

Auto Accident Injury FAQs: You Asked, We Answered

Auto Accident Injury FAQs: You Asked, We Answered

auto accident chiropractic careIf you have recently been in an auto accident, you may be wondering how chiropractic care can help manage your pain and support your body’s natural healing process. Below, our chiropractor answers four of your most frequently asked questions about the benefits of chiropractic care for auto accident injuries.

Top 4 Auto Accident Injury Questions

#1: If I went to the hospital, do I still need to see a chiropractor?

Even if you went to the hospital, you will still benefit from a diagnostic exam with a chiropractor. Hospitals provide urgent care after an accident; these treatments rely on medication to “mask” pain symptoms for immediate relief. This is not, however, a long-term pain relief solution. Chiropractic care identifies and treats musculoskeletal injuries that are responsible for your pain.

#2: Do I need to see a chiropractor after a fender bender?

Accidents at speeds as slow as 5mph can cause serious whiplash injuries and other spinal misalignments. Neck pain, headaches and migraines are common. Even if you consider your accident to be minor, you may still have sustained serious musculoskeletal injuries and could benefit from chiropractic care.

#3: What symptoms are related to auto accident injuries?

Whiplash is the most common auto accident injury. Whiplash symptoms include neck pain, headache, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, shoulder pain, disordered sleep patterns, blurred vision, forgetfulness and mood swings. Lower back pain is also common; a herniated or bulging disc typically triggers this pain.

#4: Should I talk to my lawyer before vising a chiropractor?

After an auto accident, it is important that you receive effective care for all your injuries. A personal injury lawyer is a critical ally in helping you receive fair injury compensation. You may speak with a personal injury lawyer at any time; if you do not currently have a lawyer, our chiropractor is happy to recommend reputable representation. It is critical, however, that you receive a diagnostic exam from our chiropractor prior to settling with your insurance company.

Do you have additional questions about the benefits of chiropractic care for auto accident treatment? Post them below for our chiropractor!

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