2801 Fruitville Rd. #180 Sarasota, FL 34237

(941) 924-9892

Tips for Improving Posture from Sarasota Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Massage

How Improved Posture Helps Your Spine

If you are constantly fatigued, stiff, or have a limited range of motion, you may be suffering from an all-too-common condition: poor posture. Poor posture not only distorts your spinal alignment, but it can lead to a decrease in energy levels, reduced healing capacity, neck pain and back pain. We here at Sarasota Chiropractic, Physical Therapy & Massage can help. Our Sarasota chiropractor Dr. Abe Kozma offers three tips that can help you achieve and maintain proper posture which, in turn, can serve to enhance your overall performance and well-being.

Sarasota chiropractor helps with posture.jpgAlleviating Back and Neck Pain with Proper Posture

An ideal place to start with posture improvements is taking a look at your daily environment. If you find yourself slouching at work, while driving your car, or otherwise exhibiting poor posture in any routine activities, adjusting your environment can help. Neck pain and back pain can be caused by constant slouching that puts undue stress on muscles not meant to handle it. Review your seating arrangements to ensure your vertebrae are stacked one directly upon the other and that your head rests on top of your spine without jutting forward. This alignment should follow down to your pelvis, which should be directly beneath your spine and, when standing, directly above your ankles and knees.

Spinal adjustments are another way to achieve and maintain proper posture, especially if chronic poor posture has already disrupted the bodys natural alignment and a correction is in order. Our Sarasota chiropractor can provide that correction using all-natural, non-invasive techniques that get your posture and spine back into line.

Exercise is another beneficial means of improving posture, and we can help with that, too. Chronic poor posture can actually weaken the muscles that are supposed to be supporting your spine. Exercises that strengthen these muscles can be essential by eliminating back pain and neck pain that came from putting a burden on muscles that were not designed to handle it.

What other posture improvement tips can you share?

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